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Impact of Covid-19 for Medical Device Supply industry

In May 2020, nearly 5 million people have been infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and authorities ware struggling to restrain its spread.

Inadequate consideration of early warning signs, short of stock, lack of access to testing kits and personal protective equipment (PPE), and regional variability in the surfaces to testing, deployment of PPE, and timing and degree of social distancing measures likely all influenced the spread of the virus. As a result, health care systems are confounded, and the effective delivery of medical care to all victims has become a global challenge.

Medical device manufacturers have not left aside from the pandemic’s impact as they rely massively on healthcare facilities. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, medical device companies found difficulties to roll out the production of their products, manage supply chains, and obtaining administrative obligations from the concerned authorities. Despite the authorities instructing us to produce as fast as possible, this was the time when quality values more than anything else.

While we are in the midst of an unparalleled global health crisis, the medical device industry has come forward to work closely with customers, patients, regulators, and public organizations, to make the most effective contributions to control the spread of the virus and save lives. No matter, whatever happens, medical device professionals will work closely with regulatory guidance to ensure that speed doesn’t destroy the quality and will have an essential role to play in the fight against COVID-19.

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